We have another painting night all set up. Join us for for an evening of socially distanced fun! The event will be held at Pinot's Palette in Appleton, WI on Friday, April 23rd from 7-9pm. Register before all the spots fill up!
May 22nd will be our first brat fry of the season. Come support us by purchasing a delicious meal or volunteering your time! Check here for more details.
You can now donate to Be the Magic every time you shop. It's as easy as selecting Be the Magic as your charity for Amazon Smile. With every purchase made, Amazon will donate a portion of it to your chosen charity. You can find the link here.
Be the Magic will be hosting its first annual COVID friendly Golf Par-Tee on July 26, 2021. Amanda Cupcake is joining our team and will be making some of her goodies for the outing also. Mark your calendar and watch for more details in future newsletters. If your business would like to support our event, sponsorship is still available, contact Stephanie.
We are currently in the process of renovating our website. Please excuse any broken links or missing information as it is updated.
Be the Magic was chosen as the recipient of the Neenah-Menasha Fire Department’s Summer 2021 Bike Tour Fundraiser. We are very excited and would love to see you there as a participant or a volunteer on July 6, 2021. You can find more details on their website.
Our founder Stephanie Shantz is still sewing masks to donate to local residents as well as raise money for the foundation. There are a variety of patterns to choose from and the proceeds will be put towards the future building. If you would like to order a mask just email Stephanie and she will be happy to help.