We are continuing to move forward! Our team met at the dream building along with the contractors and owners. We received estimates for remodeling and the building's needed updates. We have also added a more detailed business plan that can be viewed on our website for anyone interested in learning more about our vision and how we plan on getting there.
As you may know, Be the Magic has been chosen for the Festival Foods Icon Sale in Oshkosh, WI. From May 3rd-17th when customers check out at the grocery store, cashiers will ask them if they would like to donate one, two, or five dollars to our non-profit. And if they do their name is written on an icon and hung on the wall. We are currently working on the design of this icon and expect to need about 3,000 of them. This is such a big opportunity to get the word out about our organization and raise the funds we need!
We would still like to be able to host our own events and work the stands at the Green Bay Packers' games. The only thing in our way is purchasing the liability insurance, which is required to take part. We are halfway to raising the funds needed, but time is running out. Please support us by clicking here. Every dollar counts and gets us one step closer to helping the young women in need.
Now is the time to sign up for our paint and sip. There are still open spots! Mark your calendar for April 24, 2020, 7-9p.m. Sign up and more information can be found here. Don't wait, seats fill up fast.